Under the new paradigm of work in the 21st Century, employers want to know what you have accomplished in your career and how you may likely perform for them. So, if you are one of those 850 million Facebookers and are in the market for a job or a new place to ply your skills, consider the following ideas to make Facebook work for you as you look for work.
Use your resume as the
basis for the “Work and Education” section of the “About” tab. This of course assumes you have written a
compelling resume that highlights your best skills and accomplishments. Insure that the content of the “Work and
Education” section is consistent with your resume and your LinkedIn
profile. Consistency is important.
Fill out your timeline
with vital information that paints a rich and robust picture of your
professional life from the time you entered planet earth or were first
employed, adding the stepping stones of your academic record and career
As an option, also consider
adding life events that convey interesting and relevant information that
give evidence of your character, capabilities and worldliness. For example, if you spent summers during
your college years touring the beer capitals of world, consider elaborating
with both content and photos showing your itinerary, stops along the way and
commentary about what you have learned and experienced. Even if you simply worked at a summer
computer camp teaching the fundamentals of using a PC, illustrate that fact
with comments and visuals of the experience.
Thoughtfully consider
adding photographs or other illustrations that show the evolution of your
career and academic trail, posting them in your timeline together with
content about what you did, what you achieved and what you learned that may be
relevant to your career path or career objectives.
Employ your feed or
“Update Status” in a way that communicates your professional and personal
interests such as your fascination with Apple products, accounting methods,
neuroscience topics, grape varietals, antique German cars or family
travels. You pick subjects and visuals
that help tell the story of you, that paint a visual of your nature,
personality, disposition and spirit.
These are all intangibles that you cannot get from a resume but may be
important to a hiring manager. And
again, pick only those subjects and topics that are critical in communicating
your “brand” and “character.”
Strive for cohesion and
consistency in your content. Unless
you have a burning desire to position yourself as an eclectic individual, keep
all of your postings, visuals, activity logs, comments, updates, check ins,
“About” facts and Apps consistent with who you are and make certain that they
are coherent across your timeline and throughout your feed. 

Post subject matter
that buttresses your capabilities and character. Make liberal use of links and content
that support your personal brand and professional value. For example, if you have given a speech to
the Rotary Club about the state of ecommerce in local communities, post your
presentation on Slideshare, the video on YouTube and add the respective link in
your Facebook feed. If there is coverage
in your local newspaper, post the web link in your feed. Take every opportunity to construct a smart
and compelling trail of your talents and triumphs.
Avoid info that distracts
or destructs. As you take time to
construct content about you that positions
and portrays the person you are or want to be known for, pay heed to anything
that could take away positive impressions or negatively impact your
reputation. For example, avoid snarky
commentary, resist the urge to make an untoward joke and for the love of Mike,
dispense with photos of the Saturday night drinking binge or the skinny dipping
romp in the Bay of Biscayne.
Wow what a cool blog you have here! I am impressed. You really put a lot of time and effort into this. I wish I had your creative writing skills, progressive talent and self discipline to produce a blog like you did. Your blog really does deserve an honest compliment, keep posting....
ReplyDeletecareer management
Thank you kindly Webmaster. Spread the word please.
ReplyDeleteAnd the first step in doing so is to have some notion of how to contact them—through email, Get Facebook Fans